The Super Fantastic Leadership Show

The Super Fantastic Leadership Show

Hosted by: Daphne R Scott

A podcast devoted to supporting your leadership at the highest levels of effectiveness with the greatest levels of fun.

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Ep 295 The Last Show Before the New Show

In this episode I officially close out the Super Fantastic Leadership Show and make an announcement about the new podcast I will be starting in 2024.
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Ep 288 Leading Remotely In A Crisis

On today’s show we are going to talk about leading remotely. Before we dive in, let’s take a beat here and recognize that this isn’t necessarily new. There are just a LOT more people doing it, of course many who may...
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Ep 294 How NOT to Cultivate Resilience

This week we are talking about resilience and what to avoid doing if you want to be even more resilient. That’s right, even more resilient. Human beings by in large are given much resilience but, some of the things we...
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Ep 293 The Pandemic Isn't a Magic Bullet

This week we discuss the many ways in which our lives may change due to the pandemic and also, the caution we might want to consider as we begin to get convinced that we should go back to business as usual. Today’s...
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Ep 291 Anxious, Depressed, Over-Whelmed and Isolated; What You Can Do

Today we are going to be offering a lot of tips with how to work with the experiences of anxiety, depression, overwhelm and isolation. First, we want to recognize the experience we are experiencing. So often we do...
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Ep 292 What to Do If You're Unemployed

With the arising of the pandemic and the need to isolate ourselves to protect human lives, the impact on business and unemployment has reached epic proportions. While there have been many who have had the privilege of...
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Ep 290 There Are No Small Gestures of Kindness

Today we are talking about the simplest of things that we can do as leaders, and beyond, that don’t take too much effort at all to demonstrate acts of kindness. In a recent Harvard Business Review article, the author...
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Ep 289 Never Give Up or Give In to Fear

Today’s show was inspired by a blog post from Mr. Money Mustache. Actually, it was inspired by a response to a post on the blog of Mr. Money Mustache by the main Mustachian himself, Pete Adeney. Now, I’ve read his...
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Ep 287 Working and Parenting At Home CV-19

On today’s show we are very fortunate to have with us parenting coach and psychotherapist, Michelle Gambs. She is not only a genius in working with families and parents. She is also wickedly wise and infuses fun and...
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Ep 286 Take a Breath CV-19

This show is our first show since the pandemic came into our awareness and into our lives. Never before have any of experienced a moment in time like this and I’ve been saying to everyone that “this is my first...
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Ep 285 Are You Blinded by Personality

This week’s show we ask a question that is intended to lead us into greater awareness as it pertains to how we relate to the people in our lives and especially in leadership. We are going to explore the idea of...
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Ep 284 Do You Want Flexibility or Freedom

In this week’s show, we give a nod to the age old ideas of flexibility and freedom. Do you want both in your work and your life? And what does it mean to have these as we navigate our work and leadership? We discussed...
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