All Episodes
Ep 34 Playing the Game of Life With Our Crazy Roommate
In this week's show, Cliff and Daphne talk all about what it is like to live and work with a crazy roommate, which is actually the thoughts that arise in our heads. They discuss what happens when we 'get on the wrong...
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Ep 33 The Necessities in the Game of Life: Nature, Art and Beauty
In this thought-provoking episode, Cliff and Daphne dive into the often overlooked necessities in life: nature, art, and beauty. Drawing inspiration from a letter Daphne wrote to her nephew, they explore how these...
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Ep 32 Negative Emotions: Supporting Others Without Making It Worse
In this episode, Cliff and Daphne explore the concept of emotional contagion, emphasizing how we can unconsciously adopt the negative views and emotional struggles of those around us. Drawing on the teachings of the...
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Ep 31 Ten Steps to Choosing Wisdom
Episode 31: Choosing Wisdom in Ten Steps
 In this insightful episode, Cliff and Daphne delve into the concept of wisdom and how we can consciously choose wiser paths in life. They explore the challenges of making wise...
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Ep 29 Playing The Game of Decisions
In this episode Cliff and Daphne dive deep into the world of decision-making. They explore the idea that every choice we makeâbig or smallâshapes our lives in significant ways. They challenge the conventional wisdom...
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Ep 28 Choose (It) Yourself
Ep 28: Choose (It) Yourself: Imagination, Courage, Confidence
In this episode of Life: The Ultimate Choose Your Own Adventure Game, Cliff and Daphne dive deep into the concept of choosing oneself. Drawing inspiration...
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Ep 27 How and Why to Say No
Episode 027: How and Why to Say No
Welcome back to Life: The Ultimate Choose Your Own Adventure Game, where your hosts, Cliff Ravenscraft and Daphne Scott, guide you through the ever-changing landscape of life, one...
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Ep 26 Embracing The Adventure: Season 1 Last Episode
 In this episode of "Life: The Ultimate Choose Your Own Adventure Game," podcast, hosts Daphne and Cliff wrap up the first season with a reflective discussion on the key takeaways from their 26-week journey. They...
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Ep 25 Choosing Freedom: Getting Off the Bus and Redefining Success
In this thought-provoking episode of "Life: The Ultimate Choose Your Own Adventure Game," hosts Cliff Ravenscraft and Daphne Scott delve into the metaphor of "getting off the bus" to explore themes of personal freedom...
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Ep 24 Life On Easy Street: Is That Where We Want to Live?
In this week's episode we are talking about life on easy street and why that may not be exactly what we are desiring. We take a few different perspectives as we look at this concept through the lens of Ferris...
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Ep 23: Your True Power is Found in the Present
This week's episode is all about being present and what that can mean for our lives. We discuss what it means not to be present and what that looks like and feels like. We discuss what it means to be in a threatened...
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Ep 22: Equanimity: The Balance In the Game of Life You Truly Seek
This week's show is all about the practice of equanimity and how we might incorporate this to navigate the game of life. As we've worked with clients in our coaching practices, we both hear from them regularly that...
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