All Episodes
Ep 21 The Art and Science of Investing Your Time
In this week's episode we are talking about all the many ways we are investing our time in the game of life. We often think of time as a thing that we have too little of or, sometimes, to much of. Instead, we can see...
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Ep 20 Boundaries or Burnout: Choosing Your Path in the Game of Life
In this week's episode we are talking all about boundaries. We discuss what we mean by 'boundary', how to set them and then, how to maintain them. We tell the stories about our own experiences of growing up with very...
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Ep 19 Words Of Wisdom: Unlocking Freedom with the Four Agreements Part 2
In this week's episode we continue our dynamic conversation on the Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. We discuss the last two agreements which are: Don't Make Assumption and Do Your Best. We discuss the ways in which...
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Ep 18 Words of Wisdom: Unlocking Freedom with the Four Agreements Part 1
This week we are discussing the book "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz. This book was originally published in 1997 and we expound on the profound impact that it had on both of us as we were awakening to the...
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17 Unveiling Emotions: Part 2
This week we continue on our quest for emotional excellence and resiliency. Today we build on our last episode to discuss the 'how' of being with emotions. We also discuss the dangers with emotional "intelligence" and...
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Ep 16 Feelings Unveiled: Part 1
This episode is part 1 of our topic on feelings. What are they, where do they come from…and how do we get rid of them? (Just kidding!) Of all the things we contend with in a day, feelings are probably the most...
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Ep 15 Beyond Complaints: The Only Way to Take Action in the Game of Life
In this week's episode we delve into the pervasive habit of complaining, its psychological underpinnings, and its stark impact on the game of life. We shed light on the nature of complaining, what it is and isn't and...
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Ep 14 Achieving Peace and Joy in Life Without the Striving
Unlock the secrets to mastering peace and joy in the complex game of life. Imagine for a moment life as the ultimate choose-your-own-adventure game, where every choice leads to new paths, challenges, and rewards. Yet,...
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Episode 13 Are You Focused on Losing or Gaining?
In this week's riveting show, we discuss loss aversion and how to work with it in our daily lives. We delve into the prospect theory by Kahneman and Tversky, highlighting how individuals perceive the fear of loss to...
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Ep 12 How Do You Handle the Card You're Dealt
This week's show is all about how we improvise with the cards that life deals us. We discuss the concepts of 'yes and', taking and giving focus, having each other's backs on the journey of life, why being present...
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Ep 11 Are You Asking Great Questions
In this week's episode we are discussing the quality of our questions and the work of Byron Katie. We explore the topic of questions as a means of working with the mind, how our thoughts create our suffering, why some...
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Ep 10 What Do You Want to Create
In this episode we are talking about what we really want to create in our life and what happens when we simply focus on the problems. We discuss how our identity and how we see ourself can create limits to what we...
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