Ep 23: Your True Power is Found in the Present

This week's episode is all about being present and what that can mean for our lives. We discuss what it means not to be present and what that looks like and feels like. We discuss what it means to be in a threatened state and how distraction can also be a form of resisting what is occurring and takes us away from being present. We explore research by Killingsworth and also mention the book "Flow" as two forms of data to support our understanding and why being present matters in our life. We discuss the identity and ego as a means of keeping us from being fully present as well to our full possibilities in life, how we can miss the point of personality profiling tests, briefly discuss the enneagram and also how to bring greater presence into our daily lives through meditation and mindfulness practices that include journaling, vipassana meditation and visualization techniques. 

 Matt Killingsworth and Being Present Ted Talk

Flow Ted Talk with Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Daphne invites you to follow her on Substack at this link. She is creating transformational writing for leaders in organizations and life: Substack on DSLeadership Life

Cliff would like to invite you to reach out to him if you are a successful business leader transitioning into a new role in life and work. Transitions can be difficult without the right support and mindset to move through an identity shift and intentionally create your next path. You may email him at [email protected]