You're not alone...

It could be that you're a few years in and the newness and the adrenaline has worn off. Reality has also hit – you thought you knew what you were doing as a manager but your team isn’t hitting their numbers. And they're not even a dysfunctional team!
It's Time to Make a Change
Or you’re not sure when or how, but it has all stopped working. You’re overwhelmed -- you can’t be all things to all people.
You even used to love coming in to work but now you dread the uphill battle you face everyday. And you can’t keep explaining away these mediocre results.
Nor can you keep giving your family your leftovers (i.e. the totally drained and exhausted version of yourself).
You know you need to do something, but you’re not sure what, or even where to start.
Something’s gotta give.
It’s time to make a change.
Sign up now
Waking Up a Leader
GET STARTED TODAYWhat if you could make it all work again?
What if you could make it all work again?
What if you no longer had to waste so much time micromanaging your team and instead could spend more time developing your people into the leaders you know they could be?
What if you liked going to work again?
And what if in the course of making it all work at the office, you realized that you suddenly were also making it all work at home?
You can have more time and energy to do all of the most important things you want to do and love leading at work.

What People Are Saying About
Waking Up A Leader
Here's What You'll Learn
The Waking Up a Leader module topics include

Module 1
Magically Learn How to Lead a Group of People
It’s often assumed that you just magically know how to lead a group of people, despite never having done so before. This module begins the process of teaching those "learnable" skills.

Module 2
Values, Purpose, and Everything In Between
It’s often assumed that you just magically know how to lead a group of people, despite never having done so before. This module begins the process of teaching those "learnable" skills.

Module 3
Self-Awareness and The Personality: A Fish In Water
In the upcoming lessons in this module we will explore our own personality. We will begin to understand how we can easily fall into repeat patterns of thinking, feeling, and acting.

Module 4
Leading With Our Strengths
"Everybody is a genius. But if you’re a fish always trying to climb a tree, you’ll live your whole life being exhausted. And you won’t have any fun either.”

Module 5
Get Less Done With Less Stress
This module is where we let go of the idea that we can manage time, and instead begin to take responsibility for how we are managing everything else - especially our energy and tasks.

Module 6
It's Time to Delegate
We are finally going to learn that we can't do it alone! However, we also need to learn how to make that as easy as possible; effective delegation is key. Remember, teamwork makes the dream work!

Module 7
Setting Goals That Everyone Will Want to Pursue
As a leader, knowing what the team needs to achieve and which goals to strive for is important. And translating those bigger goals to each member of the team is even more critical.

Module 8
Flourishing In Your Career and Supporting Theirs
In this module, we learn what it means to continue to develop our career and how to support our team to do the same. We will grow as much as we are willing to support the growth of others.

Module 9
Emotional Wisdom and Creating Positive Relationships
In this module, we explore how to create positive relationships and how to maintain them during the vicissitudes of life. How we relate to our inner life matters just as much as relating to others.

Module 10
The Blessing and Mastery of Feedback
In this module we learn and practice one of the most critical skills for leaders: giving and receiving feedback. This is the key for growing and flourishing in our roles.

The 10-week program also includes:
- Workbook with action steps and quizzes
- Entrance to the Waking Up A Leader online community of leaders
- Modules based on project and task management skills as well as the transformational skills needed by all exceptional leaders